A good marketing strategy begins by addressing three key questions:
- Where are we now?
- Where would we like to be?
- How do we get there?
Getting the best return from an organisation's marketing activities will always represent the real commercial challenge.
Undertaking marketing activities that utilise direct mail, e-mail campaigns, website, advertising, PR, sales promotion, telemarketing, your salesforce and database on their own will rarely achieve their true potential.
What you need is an integrated approach to marketing. There is little point in using advertising and PR to create customer awareness, when there is no relevant information on the website to help turn hard-earned awareness into interest and action. Similarly, you can’t expect direct mail to create a response when there is no telemarketing follow-up. And how can the salesforce work effectively without a clean customer database?
In conjunction with our marketing partners, IHM Services, we can provide a marketing plan which will deliver agreed sales and marketing activities, together with a twelve-month action plan, budgets, forecasts, duties, responsibilities and management review criteria.
For expert advice on your marketing strategy, please contact us.